Monday, October 1, 2012

 Choices…they define us or they destroy us.
  • Give or take
  • Love or hate
  • Church or watching the NFL
  • Soda or Water
  • Exercise or snooze bar
  • Investing or buying that 60” plasma
  • Smile or frown
  • Going for a walk or sitting on the couch
  • Operating from a schedule or just winging it
  • Clean my office and be organized or leave it messy and be unorganized.
  • Return all of my calls and emails or blow them off and kid myself I will do it tomorrow
  • Going above and beyond or just doing the minimum
  • Do a business plan and set goals or hope and wish for success
  • Working hard or doing the bare minimum
  • Energy giver or energy sucker
  • Embrace accountability or run from it.
  • Burger or salad
  • Embrace change or resist it
  • Positive & optimistic attitude or a negative & pessimistic attitude
  • Forgive or be mad and hold a grudge
  • Dress professionally or dress like a slob
  • Do my homework or don’t do my homework
  • Practice or don’t practice
  • Shoulders back or shoulders slumped
  • Laugh or yell
  • Hug or fight
The most common difference between those who have an AWESOME life and those who don’t are simply the choices they make every day. It’s usually not their circumstances, the way they were raised, or their education. Most people who are not accomplishing their dreams in life are those that have chosen not to. These people just aren’t willing to do what is necessary to have a life that good.

Think about your life for a moment, what do you want and what does it take to get it? So, why haven’t you been doing what it takes to get it?

Before you start with all of the excuses, ask yourself - if you really had to do it, could you? Let me make it clear how this is a choice - I don’t even like to think these thoughts, but it will help you understand that you can do it, if you want it bad enough. If the person or people you care about the most lives depended upon it (life or death), could you do it? We both know the answer. Of course you could and would. Life is a series of choices - I call them the Y’s in the road. In most cases if you take the easy path - the one most people take - you will experience short term gain and long term pain. On the other hand if you have the courage to take the other path - the one most will not take - you will have some short-term pain, but long-term gain. So, make the right choice and have a life of pure magic!

Start by making the choice every day to FEEL GOOD. Because when you FEEL GOOD you are ATTRACTIVE. When you are ATTRACTIVE, you have AMAZING PRODUCTIVITY. When you have AMAZING PRODUCTIVITY, you have EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS. And when you have EXTRAORDINARY RESULT, you feel even better! It is the circle of success.

By Tom Tognoli
COO, Founder
Intero Real Estate Services

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